Bill Text For HB2901 - Enrolled


BILL NO. 2901                       By: Wallace, Martinez, Baker, McBride, and Luttrell of the House




                                        Thompson (Roger), Hall, and Pugh of the Senate






An Act relating to education; making appropriations; establishing amounts and sourcing; providing purposes; requiring certain distribution methodology for certain funds; declaring legislative intent; providing for proportional reduction of certain tax credits under certain conditions; providing for noncodification; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.






SUBJECT:  Education




SECTION 1.     NEW LAW     A new section of law not to be codified in the Oklahoma Statutes reads as follows:


There is hereby appropriated to the State Board of Education from any monies not otherwise appropriated from the General Revenue Fund of the State Treasury for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, the sum of Five Hundred Million Dollars ($500,000,000.00) for the financial support of public schools.


SECTION 2.     NEW LAW     A new section of law not to be codified in the Oklahoma Statutes reads as follows:


There is hereby appropriated to the State Board of Education for deposit in the State Public Common School Building Equalization Fund created in Section 32 of Article X of the Oklahoma Constitution, from any monies not otherwise appropriated from the General Revenue Fund of the State Treasury for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, One Hundred Twenty-five Million Dollars ($125,000,000.00) to be distributed as redbud school grants as provided in Section 3-104 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes.


SECTION 3.     NEW LAW     A new section of law to be codified in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 28-100A of Title 70, unless there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:


A.  It is the intent of the Legislature that appropriations made in House Bill No. 2901 of the 1st Session of the 59th Oklahoma Legislature in conjunction with other funds appropriated to the State Board of Education during the 1st Session of the 59th Oklahoma Legislature establish a new baseline appropriation level for public schools in this state, and that maintaining such baseline levels in future years should be a requirement prior to resources being made available for programs such as the Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Act, created pursuant to House Bill No. 1934 of the 1st Session of the 59th Oklahoma Legislature.  For this reason, subsection B of this section is necessary.


B.  Beginning July 1, 2024, and at the beginning of each succeeding state fiscal year, if the amount of money appropriated to the State Board of Education:


1.  For the financial support of public schools and support of public schools activities in such fiscal year; and


2.  To be distributed through redbud school grants provided for in Section 3-104 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes,


is less than such amounts appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, the tax credits otherwise authorized in the Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Act shall be reduced proportionally to reflect the proportion such appropriations fail to reach the baseline amounts appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024.


SECTION 4.  This act shall become effective July 1, 2023.


SECTION 5.  It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health or safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof this act shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval.


Passed the House of Representatives the 17th day of May, 2023.





                                   Presiding Officer of the House

                                               of Representatives



Passed the Senate the 19th day of May, 2023.





                                  Presiding Officer of the Senate




Received by the Office of the Governor this ____________________ day of ___________________, 20_______, at _______ o'clock _______ M.

By: _________________________________

Approved by the Governor of the State of Oklahoma this _________ day of ___________________, 20_______, at _______ o'clock _______ M.




                                  Governor of the State of Oklahoma



Received by the Office of the Secretary of State this __________ day of ___________________, 20_______, at _______ o'clock _______ M.

By: _________________________________

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