Bill Text For SB1119 - Enrolled


BILL NO. 1119                       By: Thompson (Roger), Hall, Newhouse, Pemberton, Stephens, and Pugh of the Senate




                                        Wallace, Martinez, McBride, and Baker of the House




An Act relating to schools; establishing minimum salary schedule for teachers; defining fringe benefits; specifying certain recognition of college degrees; requiring the State Board of Education to accept certain teaching experience; requiring certain notification; limiting teaching credit for certain service and experience; allowing school district to offer more credit; directing the Board to recognize certain experiences; prohibiting application of minimum salary schedule to certain retired teachers; requiring certain certified personnel to receive certain salary increase above certain level paid during certain school year; directing persons employed in certain capacities at technology center school districts, Department of Corrections facilities, Office of Juvenile Affairs facilities, and the State Department of Rehabilitation Services to receive certain salary increase; repealing 70 O.S. 2021, Section 18-114.14, which relates to the minimum salary schedule; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.





SUBJECT:  School salaries




SECTION 1.     NEW LAW     A new section of law to be codified in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 18-114.15 of Title 70, unless there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:


A.  Beginning with the 2023-2024 school year, certified personnel, as defined in Section 26-103 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes, in the public schools of Oklahoma shall receive in salary and/or fringe benefits not less than the amounts specified in the following schedule:






Years of       Bachelor’s Board          Master’s  Doctor’s


Experience     Degree     Certification  Degree    Degree


0             $39,601    $40,759        $40,991   $42,381


1             $40,035    $41,193        $41,425   $42,815


2             $40,469    $41,628        $41,859   $43,249


3             $40,904    $42,062        $42,294   $43,684


4             $41,338    $42,496        $42,728   $44,118


5             $42,810    $43,968        $44,200   $45,590


6             $43,273    $44,432        $44,663   $46,054


7             $43,737    $44,895        $45,127   $46,517


8             $44,200    $45,358        $45,590   $46,980


9             $44,663    $45,822        $46,054   $47,444


10            $46,684    $47,844        $48,568   $50,945


11            $47,177    $48,336        $49,061   $51,438


12            $47,670    $48,829        $49,554   $51,931


13            $48,162    $49,322        $50,047   $52,424


14            $48,655    $49,815        $50,539   $52,916


15            $50,167    $51,327        $52,052   $54,430


16            $50,660    $51,820        $52,545   $54,923


17            $51,153    $52,313        $53,038   $55,416


18            $51,646    $52,806        $53,531   $55,909


19            $52,139    $53,299        $54,024   $56,402


20            $52,652    $53,813        $54,538   $56,917


21            $53,145    $54,306        $55,031   $57,410


22            $53,639    $54,799        $55,524   $57,903


23            $54,132    $55,292        $56,018   $58,397


24            $54,625    $55,785        $56,511   $58,890


25            $56,049    $57,232        $57,971   $60,395


Master’s Degree +


Years of          National Board


Experience         Certification


0             $42,149


1             $42,583


2             $43,018


3             $43,452


4             $43,886


5             $45,358


6             $45,822


7             $46,285


8             $46,749


9             $47,212


10            $49,728


11            $50,221


12            $50,713


13            $51,206


14            $51,699


15            $53,212


16            $53,705


17            $54,198


18            $54,691


19            $55,184


20            $55,698


21            $56,192


22            $56,685


23            $57,178


24            $57,671


25            $59,153


B.  1.  When determining the Minimum Salary Schedule, “fringe benefits” shall mean all or part of retirement benefits, excluding the contributions made pursuant to subsection A of Section 17-108.1 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes and the flexible benefit allowance pursuant to Section 26-105 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes from the flexible benefit allowance funds disbursed by the State Board of Education and the State Board of Career and Technology Education pursuant to Section 26-104 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes.


2.  If a school district intends to provide retirement benefits to a teacher such that the teacher’s salary would be less than the amounts set forth in the minimum salary schedule specified in subsection A of this section, the district shall be required to provide written notification to the teacher prior to his or her employment or, if already employed by the district, no later than thirty (30) days prior to the date the district elects to provide retirement benefits such that the teacher’s salary would be less than the minimum salary schedule.


C.  Any of the degrees referred to in this section shall be from a college recognized by the State Board of Education.  The Board shall accept teaching experience from out-of-state school districts that are accredited by the State Board of Education or appropriate state accrediting agency for the districts.  The Board shall accept teaching experience from out-of-country schools that are accredited or otherwise endorsed by the appropriate national or regional accrediting or endorsement authority.  Out-of-country certification documentation in a language other than English shall be analyzed by an educational credential evaluation service in accordance with industry standards and guidelines and approved by the State Department of Education.  The person seeking to have credit granted for out-of-country teaching experience shall be responsible for all costs of the analysis by a credential evaluation service.  The Board shall accept teaching experience from primary and secondary schools that are operated by the United States Department of Defense or are affiliated with the United States Department of State.


D.  For the purpose of state salary increments and retirement, no teacher shall be granted credit for more than five (5) years of active duty in the military service or out-of-state or out-of-country teaching experience as a certified teacher or its equivalent.  Nothing in this section shall prohibit boards of education from crediting more years of experience on district salary schedules than those allowed for state purposes.


E.  The State Board of Education shall recognize, for purposes of certification and salary increments, all the years of experience of a:


1.  Certified teacher who teaches in the educational program of the Department of Corrections, beginning with fiscal year 1981;


2.  Vocational rehabilitation counselor under the Department of Human Services if the counselor was employed as a certified teacher by the State Department of Education when the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation was transferred from the State Board of Career and Technology Education or the State Board of Education to the Oklahoma Public Welfare Commission on July 1, 1968;


3.  Vocational rehabilitation counselor which were completed while employed by the Department of Human Services if such counselor was certified as a teacher or was eligible for certification as a teacher in Oklahoma;


4.  Certified teacher which were completed while employed by the Child Study Center located at University Hospital, if the teacher was certified as a teacher in Oklahoma; and


5.  Certified school psychologist or psychometrist which were completed while employed as a doctoral intern, psychological assistant, or psychologist with any agency of the State of Oklahoma if the experience primarily involved work with persons of school- or preschool-age and if the person was, at the time the experience was acquired, certified as, or eligible for certification as, a school psychologist or psychometrist.


F.  The provisions of this section shall not apply to teachers who have entered into postretirement employment with a public school in Oklahoma and are still receiving a monthly retirement benefit.


G.  If a person employed as certified personnel, as defined in Section 26-103 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes, by a school district during the 2022-2023 school year was receiving a salary above the step level indicated by the State Minimum Salary Schedule for the 2022-2023 school year, the person shall receive a salary increase amount equal to the amount indicated in subsection A for the step level indicated for the person, provided they remain employed by the same district, unless the hours or the duties of the certified personnel are reduced proportionately.


H.  If a school district does not receive Foundation or Salary Incentive Aid pursuant to Section 18-200.1 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes, funds shall be allocated by the State Board of Education to implement the salary increases indicated in subsection A of this section.


I.  Persons employed as classroom instructional employees of technology center school districts supervised by the State Board of Career and Technology Education shall receive a salary increase amount equal to the amount indicated in subsection A of this section for the step level indicated for the person, provided they remain employed by the same technology center school district, unless the hours or the duties of the classroom instructional employees are reduced proportionately.


J.  Persons employed as correctional teachers or vocational instructors by the Department of Corrections pursuant to Section 510.6a of Title 57 of the Oklahoma Statutes or persons employed as teachers by the Office of Juvenile Affairs shall receive a salary increase amount equal to the amount indicated in subsection A of this section for the step level indicated for the person, provided they remain employed by the same Department of Corrections or Office of Juvenile Affairs facility, unless the hours or the duties of the correctional teachers, vocational instructors, or teachers are reduced proportionately.


K.  Persons employed as teachers by the State Department of Rehabilitation Services shall receive a salary increase amount equal to the amount indicated in subsection A of this section for the step level indicated for the person, provided they remain employed by the State Department of Rehabilitation Services, unless the hours or the duties of the teachers are reduced proportionately.


SECTION 2.     REPEALER     70 O.S. 2021, Section 18-114.14, is hereby repealed.


SECTION 3.  This act shall become effective July 1, 2023.


SECTION 4.  It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof this act shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval.


Passed the Senate the 17th day of May, 2023.




                                  Presiding Officer of the Senate



Passed the House of Representatives the 19th day of May, 2023.




                                   Presiding Officer of the House

                                               of Representatives



Received by the Office of the Governor this ____________________ day of ___________________, 20_______, at _______ o'clock _______ M.

By: _________________________________

Approved by the Governor of the State of Oklahoma this _________ day of ___________________, 20_______, at _______ o'clock _______ M.



                                  Governor of the State of Oklahoma




Received by the Office of the Secretary of State this __________ day of __________________, 20 _______, at _______ o'clock _______ M.

By: _________________________________

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